124g. SUZANNE PADBERG The 7th Biennial Codex Book Fair and Symposium was held February 3-6 in Richmond, California, with a Nordic focus, including artists from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Thanks to Codex for making the symposium recordings available to all.
Here and There is Everywhere
Susanne Padberg has been the owner of Galerie DRUCK
& BUCH since 1994 – first in Tübingen and now in Vienna.
The gallery, next door to the Freud Museum
in Vienna, specializes in
international contemporary book art. As
a traveling book art gallerist and curator in both Europe
and the United States,
she has encountered a number of differences in the book art world here and
there. Despite that, she addresses three aspects – collecting,
mission/contents/aesthetics, and book form.
play interview